2015年11月13日 星期五

Introduction to Collectl tool

Please excuse my limited English ability.
I just want to practice my English translation skill!



Collectl is a useful tool fr performance monitor in Linux operator system

There are a number of times in which you find yourself needing performance data. These can include benchmarking, monitoring a system's general heath or trying to determine what your system was doing at some time in the past. Sometimes you just want to know what the system is doing right now.

It allow us to monitor any of a broad set of subsystems which currently include cpu, disk, infiniband, memory, network, swap and so on.

official website

How to install this tool :

You only need to use single command in your terminal to install collectl (Ubuntu)

sudo apt-get install collectl

if it say collectl not found. Maybe you can update apt-get itself.


How to use this tool :

collectl <parameters>

You can run collectl with no parameter.
Default setting is monitor cpu, harddisk and network every one second.


Parameters :

-i <seconds> 

monitor frequency

For example :
collectl -i 0.5 //Monitor once every 0.5 seconds

-s[<subsys>]  what monitor information you want to show

<subsys> is monitor information short name you want to show

You can use follow command to show what monitor information your computer supporting : 

collectl --showsubsys 

For my virtual machine, it support monitor information below :

If you want to monitor cpu and memory information, you can add 'c' and 'm' to <subsys>.

For example :
collectl -scm //show cpu and memory information.
collectl -scmn //show cpu, memory and network information.

In the otherwise, collectl also support high flexibility data information output.
It can send monitor information to any server through the internet, You can write a simple socket programming tcp server by yourself to receive those information, or use some code in github to do that.


This is first version inforeceiver our team use in TSCC competition. 
It's full text user interface.


This is final version inforeceiver our team use in TSCC competition. 
It's text user control interface but support displayed in the graph with graph.
It also support multiple computer with collectl to send data to it.


Next time, I will introduction how to use infoReceiver-guiversion.


